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Get my 40+ Hormone Handbook

Learn how to handle the hot flashes, weight gain, and brain fog of peri-menopause.

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Join the growing community of women learning what their body needs to survive and thrive in their 40s and beyond.

Do you sometimes feel like you're going crazy?

As though every day you have a new symptom to deal with?

Or maybe you're up at night Googling your symptoms, trying to figure out what's going on.

More than half the population will go through peri-menopause. But for many women, it remains a total mystery.

Those that go looking for help are often dismissed. Meanwhile, hot flashes and brain fog have become the new normal, and relief seems nowhere to be found.

The 40+ Hormone Handbook takes you through three of the most common symptoms of peri-menopause. You'll learn the fundamentals of supporting your body during this time, and what to do if you need more help.

Get the 40+ Hormone Help Handbook

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